P. 6



                                                          GEBZE WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT
                                                          Type Of Contract:    Design  Build  Contract  with  1  year
                                                                               operation supervision
                                                          Position Hold:       Project Coordinator
                                                          Average Flow:        120.000 m3/day
                                                          Max. Flow:           6.000 m3/h
                                                          Min Flow:            3.350 m3/h
                                                          Process Units:       Coarse  Screens,  Inlet  Pumping
                                                          Station,  Fine  Screens,  Aerated  Grit  and  Grease  Removal
                                                          Tanks,  Blower  Station,  Anaerobic  Basin,  Aeration  Basin,
                                                          Final Sedimentation Tanks, Return Sludge Pumping Station,
                                                          Primary  Sedimentation  Tanks,  Sea  Discharge  Pumping
                                                          Station, Blower Station, Transformer and Generator Station,
                                                          Sludge Dewatering Facility, Administrative Building
                               PARAMETERS                            INLET                     OUTLET
                               BOD                                30.000 kg/day                25 mg/lt
                               TOTAL N                            6.000 kg/day                 10 mg/lt
                               TOTAL P                            1.200 kg/day                  1 mg/lt
                               TSS                                36.000 kg/day                35 mg/lt

                                                          ODEMIS WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT
                                                          Type Of Contract:    Design  Build  Contract  with  1  year
                                                                               operation supervision
                                                          Position Hold:       Project Coordinator
                                                          Process Units:       Collector,  Coarse  Screens,  Fine
                                                          Screens,  Aerated  Grit  and  Grease  Removal,  Inlet  Pumping
                                                          Station, Blower Station, Return and Excess Sludge Pumping
                                                          Station,  Sludge  Dewatering  Facilities,  An-aerobic  Tank,
                                                          Aeration Tank, Secondary Clarifier

                               PARAMETERS                           STAGE 1                    STAGE 2
                               Average Flow                      15.765 m3/day              20.988 m3/day
                               Max Flow                            1.637 m3/h                 1.820 m3/h
                               Design Flow                         1.018 m3/h                 1.354 m3/h
                                                                     INLET                      OUTLET
                               BOD                                5.013 kg/day                 25 mg/lt
                               COD                                11.019 kg/day                90 mg/lt
                               TOTAL N                             981 kg/day                  10 mg/lt
                               TOTAL P                             185 kg/day                   1 mg/lt
                               TSS                                6.723 kg/day                 25 mg/lt
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